Tuesday, January 03, 2006

FREE! Extra Post Three FREE!

Remember when I wrote that I thought my old dog Emma seemed to be with my new dog Duke? Well, I think she is still here with him. He still has all his Emma traits and he still looks like her most of the time. I've noticed whenever we are in Denver visiting my sister Duke looks the most like Emma. He was comfortable in her house very quickly and the from the first day there he played with my sister's dogs as if he had know them all his life.

I tried to take a photo of Duke on one of the days I thought he looked the most like Emma and was surprised when the dog in the photo looked nothing like the dog sitting in front of me. To make sure I wasn't imagining this I took my camera with me the next time I visited my sister. I took photos of Duke and showed them to her. (Since I have a digital camera I could show her the photos within seconds of taking them.) She was just as surprised as I had been when the dog in the photos looked different than the dog sitting in front of us.

He is doing so much better and is not nearly as skittish as he used to be. His tail wags pretty much non-stop now and he feels comfortable enough to work his charm on us whenever he wants something. At this point in his life he is a normal 18 month-old pup- except for the Emma thing.

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